Shandel Group is all about Clarity. Therefore we love the acronym CAVU. In the aviation world, this term simply stands for “Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited”. Simply put if you remark “CAVU” you are expressing high-level information regarding the clarity of your flight path. Sadly this isn’t always the case for many teams or leaders.
We at Shandel Group work to provide clarity for our clients. This video series targets specific areas pertinent to any organization. We want to support and serve leaders at every level with videos to assist you no matter your elevation within the organization.
Are you a Problem Solver who asks "Why" questions too quickly? "Why" questions tend to make people defensive. But, if we act like investigative journalists and do not become emotionally involved we will be more effective.
Are you exhausted running your business? Have you unplugged, delegated, or taken care of YOU lately? Shandel shares Words of Wisdom to help business owners who are feeling overwhelmed in today's world.
Shandel discusses our need to Rest. It is so important to take a break from your responsibilities. Unplug and stop the adrenaline rush.
As a Leader are you asking or are you telling your employees?
I have 6 main points for having an effective hard conversation with your boss. These easy steps will enable you to be seen and heard.
I. Schedule an appointment
II. Positive Mindset
III. Be Prepared
IV. Be Composed
V. Active Listening
VI. What are we agreeing to?
The most successful way to mend a fence in your life is to "take personal responsibility". Saying sorry isn't very helpful unless you explain why you are sorry. Maybe it's not your fault, things happen. Personally accountable people bring solutions to the table and follow through with their plans.
1.Care About the Relationship
2.Be Kind
3.Be Direct
1. Are your emotions in check?
2. Keep the end in mind.
3. Be Willing to Compromise.
Alan Andersen will help you master your time with these 6 principles. 1. Organize 2. Prioritization 3. Execute 4. Optimize 5. Multiply 6. Maximize
What is Clarity?
Alan Andersen will help you master your time with these 6 principles. 1. Organize 2. Prioritization 3. Execute 4. Optimize 5. Multiply 6. Maximize
What is Clarity?
Have you ever wondered why someone won't just do what you ask them to?
When we learn something new we need to share the following steps...
1. Knowledge- tell them what to do.
2. Skill- teach them how to do it.
3. Motivation- tell them what the "Why" is.
4. Environment- provide a place where people feel supported.
5. Create Habits
We will help you and your team change direction, accelerate growth, go faster, and reach the next level of success for your leadership and business development by using the principles that make up a “Shandel”.